Stenter Exhaust Gas Economizer
Air To Air
20% More Production Capacity
Stenters and relax dryers are designed to dry and thermal setting of the fabric at 160 - 185 °C.
High amount of hot, saturated air is discharged through special chimneys. Heat energy is recovered from these exhaust gas by specially designed Economizers.
Technical Details
Due to high fluff content of discharged air, tubular heat exchanger is preferred.
Thus, blockage of the heat exchangers is minimised. Maintenance of the tubular exchangers are much easier and cheaper than the plated heat exchangers.
Tubular design for textile industry
Heat Exchanger Group
Working Principles
Stenters and relax dryers are atmospheric machines and as air is discharged from the
chimney, the same amount of fresh and cold air enters inside the system.
Since these machines are atmospheric, as air is discharged from the
chimney, the same amount of fresh cold air enters into the machine. -
Air - to - Air economizers preheat the fresh air by using the energy of discharged air.
In these systems energy saving is around 15 - 25%. The discharged air
temperature falls down to 90 - 110°C. -
As the temperature of the fabric is increased by hot air, machine
production speed increases by 10 - 20%
Advanced Automation
In automation system, PLC and touch panels are used. The working diagram and the real time temperatures and recovered energy values can be monitored on the control panel. The desired temperature of the clean process water can be set through this control panel window. Recovered energy values are recorded daily and monthly basis.