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ESP Filtering for Stenter Exhaust Gas


Filter Your Exhaust Gas Effectively

During thermal setting of fabrics like cotton, polyester, nylon and lycra, vast amount of poisonous flue gasses are exhausted. Since these gasses are heavier than air, it creates a harmful effect for the environment and human health.
Because of these hazardous effects, these volatile materials need to be filtered from
ue gas. The most effective filtering systems on the market are Wet Scrubbers and Electrostatic Filters.

Wastewater Heat Recovery: Product

Technical Details

System works by sticking the flue gas oil mist and particles, onto the collecting surfaces of ESP, by positively charging the exhaust gas by applying high voltage. ESP Systems have the following main parts:

Tailor Designed for Textile Industry

ESP (Electro Static Precipitator)

Exhaust Gas Heat Exchanger

Air To Water Economizer

ESP System works properly at around 50 - 70 ºC.
Stenter exhaust gas temperature on the other hand, is around 160 - 180ºC.

The flue gas temperature is reduced by this tubular heat exchangers. Clean coolant water of room temperature, is used for this process. The temperature of the coolant water reaches to 35 - 40ºC.

Thus, the waste heat of the exhaust gas is recovered

ESP Filtering System

This is the main part of filtering. At the entrance of the ESP, the flue gas is electrifed with high voltage and loaded with positive electrons. Positively loaded particles stick on the collector surfaces. The collector surfaces are negatively loaded in order to increase the effciency of filtering process

Auto Cleaning System

This tank has a washing agent dosing Pump, heating system and circulation pump. The collection surfaces are automatically washed off, by pressurized washing agent with moving nozzles.

At the end of washing step, the washing agent turns back and is collected in the washing tank.
The collected oil overflows from a discharge point located at the top of the tank to another tank. The oil tank is discharged by the operator manually.

Although high voltage generators are protected against short circuits, there sometimes occur fre causing from stenters. When a temperature increase inside ESP is detected, the system is automatically turned off and the flaps are closed. Washing system
automatically starts as an automatic fre extinguishing system.

There is a flap system which automatically directs exhaust gas either to chimney or to the economizer inlet. The flap system can be directed to original chimney so that maintenance actions can be done for ESP

Fire Protection

Other Features

Exhaust Ventilator & Flap System

Advanced Automation

In automation system, PLC and touch panels are used.

The working diagram and the real time temperatures and recovered energy values can be  monitored on the control panel. 

Wastewater Heat Recovery: Technical Features

Performance Comparison of Filtering Systems

ESP Performance.jpg
Heat Rec: Feasibility
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